Preserving Our Forefathers' Dream

Don't Fall For The Ruse of Giving Up On America


The Anti-America Movement; Don't Fall For It
A Concerted Effort Is Being Made To Destroy American Patriotism
NewsFocus, by Tim Watts - 110611

A movement is underway in the United States to get the American people to lose faith in their country. It is a concerted effort with a diabolical motive at its underlying foundation.

Anti-American sentiment has long been a popular foreign theme of disgust, with good reason, based upon United States intervention in foreign affairs, all for U.S. corporate interests. Like it or not, we have been an imperial empire for capitalist gain. The U.S. corporate backed war machine has been a tool for the banking cartel that has run this country since 1913. If this revelation is new or unsettling to you, please consider one of America's greatest, yet least known patriots, General Smedley D. Butler, who wrote about this war machine in his landmark book, "War Is A Racket."

This once foreign anti-America mindset is now being cultivated right here, in the U.S.

Since the advent of 9/11, many unpopular legislative acts have been implemented in the name of preserving our American freedoms, all the while they strip these valuable precepts of liberty away from us. The enactment of the Hitler-esque Department of Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, the Homegrown Terrorism Act, the TSA, and countless other Constitution killing ventures have had an adverse effect on not only our rights, but our patriotism as well.

Many have correctly connected the dots between 9/11 and the banking cartel's plan for their new world order, however, in the heat of the battle, many have missed the plot within the plot, to get the American people to lose faith in the United States of America.

The obvious effect of the post-9/11 oppression of "we the people" has had an immediate reflex and backlash that has been carefully thought out and is being instigated by design. The idea behind the plan is to get Americans so disenchanted with the actions of our government and its bought-and-paid-for politicians, that we lose our patriotism and our love for our national sovereignty. This does nothing but play into the hands of those that enacted this plot to help push us into their long planned new world order. Their goal is to do away with nationalism, so they can swoop in with their one world totalitarian rule.

Those that are working to destroy this country are working hard to divide us, all in order to conquer us. These parasites of humanity would love nothing more than to incite a civil war and destroy us from within. It all works to their immediate benefit.

Please, do not fall for this ruse.

The dream of our forefathers is not dead. It lives in all of us. That is quite evident in the feelings that are welling in each and every one of us. We are rightfully angry, but we must direct our animosity in the right direction. Our country itself has not failed us, nor has our government, per se. It is our politicians who have failed us. They are the ones who have been corrupted and steered by the evil money powers.

An April 29, 2011 story, Superman Threatens To Renounce U.S. Citizenship, incited anger amongst political pundits. How dare the folks at DC Comics broach such a heretical theme with an American fictional icon. In the comic, Superman declares, “I’m tired of having my actions construed as instruments of U.S. policy. The world’s too small. Too connected.” This plays to anti-America sentiment, while supporting the theme of the new world order.

Conveniently enough, this comes from a Time Warner company, one of the largest corporations of the world, one which many claim to be involved in the march for the new world order of oppression.

Time Warner also just so happens to coincidentally be behind two of the biggest cult movies regarding the people's uprising over oppression. The 1999 movie "The Matrix" and the 2007 film "V For Vendetta" are both Time Warner productions. Time Warner even holds the rights for the Guy Fawkes masks now being sold to protesters.

Disturbingly enough, it appears that the long arm of corporate oppression is very much tied to the consciousness of today's truth movement and its protesters.

Beware the messenger.

There is a devious hand at work here folks, and it plays to our emotions more so than it does to our intellect. Those that are driving the new world agenda are very meticulous in their planning and are very well thought out in their endeavors. They are three steps ahead of us because they have the advantage of hidden knowledge, media ownership, and social control mechanisms that few are even aware of.

Like the Superman declaration of American dismay, another American icon has also vented his own displeasure for the new American way, post 9/11. Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura was recently rebuffed in his quest for a trial by jury in his TSA lawsuit. He was so angered by the ruling that he recently declared, "I have lost my patriotism. It is gone, and I say that with a deep heart."

This author empathizes with Ventura and very much understands his resentment. He was speaking with emotion out of his disgust and anger, but if presented the argument that this article is attempting to convey, I would hope that Ventura would restructure his verbiage, once he reflects upon the possible damaging effect that his words could have on others who follow him.

Ventura is no dummy. He can be quite stubborn and even egotistical to some, but he sees more than most in this country, so it is my hope that he eventually realizes the damning repercussions of his statements.

If indeed he does decide to run for the office of president, the media will rerun the video of his anti-America sentiments, as they already have, over and over and over again, ad nauseam, even though they would be blatantly misconstruing his intent.

I can only hope that Ventura might rethink his comments and understand how they might stir adverse reactions in others. It's easy to understand the rightful outrage of being denied his day in court with a jury of his peers, trying to expose and undo a Constitutional assault on our personal rights, but I hope that others do not lose their own patriotism as a result of his emotional venting over his legal setback.

With that said, I firmly expect Ventura to come back swinging harder than ever before, because he is a true patriot. He spoke with emotion that day on the courthouse steps, but you can be certain that this modern day Superman will come back fighting, rather than doing a cut and run.

It's okay to be angry with our government. That's the sign of a true patriot. The greatest form of patriotism is questioning our government, but to lose our patriotism is a sure step to losing our American resolve.

Do not let your anger over a fractured "American Way" deter you from your patriotism. We need our American patriotism now more than ever before. We cannot forget the vision of our forefathers dream, but we also can't overlook the nefarious vision of those who are working to destroy our faith in the American way of life.

Let me be clear in stating that nationalism is never greater than the world as a whole, however our nationalities are our personal identities, valued cultures that define and flavor the international community. The only people giving nationalism a bad name are those who have stolen it for their imperial wars of aggression. That can no longer be allowed.

Those who are trying to destroy national patriotism under the guise of a greater whole are working for a plan that will most certainly be less than the whole of humanity. This plan is a plan of national conquest, with the goal of world domination, the new world order.

Our patriotism is still here. It lives in all of us. It is present in the Ron Paul campaign and in the occupy protests. Patriotism is our American passion.

The American people are indeed angry, with patriotism at the root of our anger, but we are angry over our loss of liberty and our Constitutional rights. We must not lose sight of our patriotism, despite the concerted efforts to take it from us.

Our patriotism is the glue for the great experiment, a melting pot of many cultures who all hold one notion near and dear, that all men are created equal. Our patriotism does not mean that we are the best, but rather that the dream of our forefathers is the best.

This was the dream before 9/11, and we shall fight to keep the dream after 9/11.

Patriotism with this virtue in mind is a good thing.

Let's show the evil powers that be of this world that we are not just emotional pawns that can be controlled through anger and intimidation. Let's prove them wrong and show them that we are capable of seeing three steps ahead, that we do have the intellectual discipline to rule over our emotions.

These powers that be understand one concept very well, "United we stand and divided we fall." Don't allow this nation to become divided, because that plays right into their hands. Step away from the corporate media disinformation and propaganda machine and think for yourself.

Let our patriotism strengthen us and be our resolve, but don't let our emotion cloud our intellect and blind us.

Say yes to American sovereignty and no to the new world order of totalitarian rule.

We all love this country. We're all Americans. We just hate the crooks trying to steal our way of life.

See also:

Media Complicity

Media Control

Media Coup

About The Author:
Tim Watts is a veteran San Francisco broadcaster with 25 years experience in the industry as an on-air talent, Program Director, and consultant. He is the creator and sole author of the websites, and He has been writing about U.S. corruption over the last decade, while also investigating 9/11 from the moment that the first tower fell. He has documented his 9/11 research on a website called A September Coup

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