The Key To Controlling America Is
Through Its Media
The Watch Guard Of
Democracy Has Become Its Single Biggest Threat
The Downfall Of The Greatest Democracy The World Has Known, Brought About
Through Usurpation of Its
Press There Will Be No
Reform Of Any Kind In America Until We Reform Our Media, by Tim Watts - 031110
The consolidation of the United States media system is the
death-knell for our democracy and has been exploited by the "powers that
be" to control information and news in America, as well as acting as a
conduit for disinformation and propaganda. For those naive to this fact, you
first need to understand how and when the system was stolen. To understand
the present you have to know about the past.
One of the greatest achievements ever in the
history of organized civil governance was that of the United States
government. Our forefathers learned all too well from the oppressive English
Monarchy how not to run a government.
Having escaped the tyranny of the crown, our
founding fathers sought to form "a more perfect union," and they
succeeded where previous governments had failed before, by creating a system
of checks and balances for the power of government. No one person
could ever impose their will upon the people the way it had been under the
The prized jewel of their efforts became our
revered U.S. Constitution and our heralded Bill of Rights. These landmarks
of legislation were based upon the unwavering principle that all men are
created equal. This grand idea guaranteed the people, for the first time
ever, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Even though fashioned under a republic, it
was indeed the first true democracy the world had ever known, a government
of the people, by the people and
for the people.
After the signing of the Constitution, a
woman asked of Benjamin Franklin, "Sir, what kind of government have you
given us?" Franklin replied, "A republic, if you can keep it." The last half
of Franklin's reply was a warning, for he knew this grand experiment in
government would have to be nurtured and protected in order to survive.
The watch guard of our democracy has always
been the American press. Their purpose was not just to provide news of the
day, but to also hold our elected officials accountable for their actions in
steering our new republic, safe guarding our democracy in the process.
This system worked quite well for over 150
years, but like all good things in life, it became a target of the
unscrupulous, wealthy
elite. When but a few men of immense wealth conspire together in secret
against the people, bad things can happen, as history has proven time and
A well connected, immensely wealthy cabal was
formed from a a small group of rich tycoons, such as the Rockeffellers, Warburgs and Rothchilds.
As a fellow member, J.P. Morgan held a very prominent role in the takeover
of the United States republic.
It was Morgan who, along with the Rockeffellers, Warburgs and Rothchilds, instigated
a secret meeting of the
rich in 1910, off the Georgia coast on Jekyll Island. From this meeting came
the mechanism to undo our republic, with the creation of the Federal Reserve
in 1913. This new central bank was undeniably the single greatest blow
to the United States.
Just as damaging was another effort from
Morgan in 1915 when he hired 12 top news managers to determine the most
influential newspapers in America. The idea being to find the key news
institutions that other news outlets would look to and be influenced by.
(This is documented by Congressman Oscar Calloway in the official U.S.
Record.) Morgan then bought or controlled the top 25 organizations reported
to him by his task force of news managers. An editor was assigned to run
each paper, making sure all news stories were controlled.
This was a key step towards total information
and news control of
the United States, giving birth to censorship, disinformation and
propaganda. The guardian of our forefather's democracy had been deeply
Years later the CIA would take that
media control a step
farther by recruiting naive, patriotic reporters to aid in their efforts, as
well as installing their own people within the nation's mainstream corporate
press. This was known as Operation Mockingbird, the name alone was
suggestive of the mission's objective, total control of the U.S. media
According to former CIA Director William Colby, "The
CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
There are two methods of recruitment. One method is
through blind patriotism, recruiting those willing to report whatever they
are told because it was said to be a National Security matter, or in the
best interests of the United States. Others they bribe, for the ultimate
mole, someone willing to print anything for money, no matter if it's true or
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
- William Colby, CIA Director 1973-1976
Things wrong with our media:
CIA infiltrated through Operation
Controlled by a mere six corporations...
A government propaganda & disinformation
Harmful to the growth of society through
indoctrination programming.
It serves an agenda only for the "powers
that be."
In the 1980s, Reagan-era deregulation was the
final death blow for an honest media. Regulations were loosened
to allow corporations to not only own as many media outlets as
possible, but it allowed for local and regional monopolies, as
well as the ownership of multiple forms of media, such as TV,
radio and print journalism. This was previously prohibited to
prevent singular entities from influencing the opinions of the
masses with a biased viewpoint that suited the broadcast
As a result of this loosening of the FCC's
broadcast regulations, the U.S. media has been bought up and
taken over. It is now controlled by a mere six corporations.
This is a bad thing for our democracy because it means our media
watchdog has been muzzled and neutered. This means that six CEOs
control what we see and hear. A half dozen corporate fat-cats
tell us what news is and what isn't news. The truth is hidden
behind a corporate agenda.
Stories are now hidden that "we the people"
need to see. This is why we don't see any news on 9/11 truth.
It's the mechanism in which an entire nation was deceived into
two wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq. It's the reason
that we no longer see any investigative journalism on the U.S.
anthrax attacks.
A complicit bought-out media has become the
ultimate weapon in the fascist takeover of the U.S. We aren't
losing our republic, it's already gone. It didn't guns and
warfare. All it took was money.
Too make matters worse, the elite hierarchy of
our media system have been lured into an unholy alliance with an
arguably nefarious group that now works for not just the
takeover of the United States, but the entire world. Many of the
top key news and media figures belong to the Council on Foreign
Relations, a group long alleged to have ties to the secretive
Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission. Because of this
sordid relationship between journalists and secret society
groups, the news we now get is spun to serve only their agenda.
The ultra-rich who plotted this silent coup
now control our nation's politicians and our media system as
well. Much about our political system needs to be fixed to help
restore our democracy, however, it will not happen under the
watch of a corrupt and complicit news media that works for the
"powers that be." That's why they usurped our media to
begin with. They fully knew what they were doing.
Taking back our media has now become job one
in restoring our republic, a once proud achievement of our
forefathers. Until the masses learn the truth, they won't know
what truly ails our society. To many live under the old notion,
"if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Well, our democracy is
broken. It has been shattered into pieces that would no longer
be recognizable by our founding fathers. That is a sad thing to
admit, but to those who know the truth, it's blatantly obvious.
If we ever expect to take our country back, we
must first take back the truth. In order to do that, we must
take back our news media, for he who controls the flow of news
and information controls the minds of the people. The
perpetrators of this media takeover know that all too well.
It's time for us to take back our news media.
Otherwise, we will never get our country back.
The Council On Foreign Relations
Funding And Manipulation of the U.S. Media
The Church Commission uncovered The CIA's Operation Mockingbird.
About The Author:
Tim Watts is a veteran San Francisco
broadcaster with 25 years experience in the industry as
an on-air talent, Program Director, and consultant. He
is the creator and sole author of the websites, and He has been
writing about U.S. corruption over the last decade, while also investigating 9/11 from the moment that the first tower
fell. He has documented his 9/11 research on a website
A September Coup.